36 INR
Add Sevana chicken Masala and salt to chopped chicken, rub in add leaves for 10 minutes. Grind sliced ginger, Garlic, Green Chillies into a fine paste and set aside. Hot oil in vessel. Crackle mustard and fry onion. Add the paste and stir well. Add Chicken And 3 cups of water and cook till done. Add curry leaves and serve hot. Ingredients : 1.medium sized chicken-1kg, 2, Sevana Chicken Masala-5 tablespoon, 3. Big onion sliced, 5.Garlic-3 cloves, 6.Green chillies-2nos, 7.Curry Leaves-2stalks, 8. Coconut oil-2 tablespoon, 9. Mustard-as required, 10.Salt- to taste.