134 INR
Kalkandam being a crystalline sweetener is a natural product without any added preservatives. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, zinc and potassium. Besides being used as a substitute for refined white and brown sugar, it also helps to quench thirst. Kalkandam contains inositol that is rich in Vitamin B & Vitamin 8 needed for healthy cells and as a substitute for folic acid, thiamine, choline and riboflavin. Kalkandam, when mixed with certain ingredients, has great nutritional value and can be used to cure many diseases like persistent cold and coughs. It can be used to lower body temperature and also lower the cholesterol content in the body. It is also used as an ingredient in traditional South Asian cuisines like desserts, curries and sauces. Kalkandam in liquid form resembles honey while its granular form looks like white sugar.