SME Kerala
COMPANY PROFILE We, Sulchem Industries, are a registered company under the entrepreneurs memorandum number (EM NO) 3200 3110 7394 and registered under MSME. Our GST No. 32ECUPS4421M1Z0, Udyog Adhar No.KL02A0004371. We deal in bulk production and the sale of liquid home care products. Our products are sold at different outlets; that is through small companies and distributors. We have found that our product has a great welcome among the masses and so thereby increased our production capacity over the years. We have developed the formulas after many researches for whole range of home care product. Our company has a 30 percent growth rate per annum. In order to expand our activities in Middle East and East Africa, by the middle of 2018 we have started our new factory at Sultanate of Oman. Sulchem is on a mission to make everything touches brighter though cleaning & more. We use the magic of natural ingredients to create unbeatable results utilizing the power of nature where other products are only just beginning to realize the importance and power of natural ingredients. Sulchem’s unbeatable degreasing action, stemming from its use of power lemon is well established. We also use other natural products such as lime, jasmine and green apple to maximize the result and minimize the number of chemicals in our products, and in the environment. We are committed to quality as well as power in each drop that we prepare. Sulchem uses 30% more cleaning ingredients than any leading concentrated multinational brand. Our products include dish wash, toilet cleaner, floor cleaner, auto wash, detergent, cloth stiffeners [starch] and multipurpose liquid soap. Our products are devoid of harsh chemicals. They are made of biodegradable compounds thus making it safe and very much eco-friendly. Sulchem Industries founded with a vision to make quality-cleaning solutions affordable for all - so that no one is forced to make the difficult choice between savings and health. The groundwork for this Endeavour was laid in 2005, with extensive researches of existing products, both domestic and foreign. After almost four years of research and perfections, our first liquid soap product was piloted under the brand name Nora and the company was registered in 2009. While the initial years were difficult due to the highly fragmented industry and price sensitivity of customers, we broke through these hurdles thanks to faith placed in us by our small but growing customer base. This gave us the confidence to start operations in our neighboring districts and eventually states as well. In 2017, we started the groundwork for our overseas expansion and in 2019, successfully commissioned our first production facility at Salalah, Oman to cater to our growing customer base in the GCC and North African markets. In the domestic markets, we have now expanded to Mumbai and Bhopal as well. Our goal is to commence operations in all tier 1 and 2 cities in India by 2023, and we are well on our way to achieving this.