9947822444 ( Monday to Saturday 9AM - 6PM )

SME Kerala

Chemicals Manufacturing (Small enterprise)

MORE THAN JUST CLEAN..... Mrs.clean is a women initiated entrepreneurship .it deals cleaning and hygienic products with high quality production standards. it is spotted our presence in the market last one year through our operational excellence, and stability of supply.we promote empowering women by creating opportunities .we could develop a creative and efficient team of women with the dynamic and challenging strategy. the entrepreneurial ability in women in the world has witnessed steady and increasing economic standing in the society.a recent study found nearly half of the new Indian entrepreneurial are women. in recent years , our country has move forward with the improving social status of women .it was the result of the focus we give on women's education and skill development. generally ,expertise , understanding the needs ,risk taking ability and flexibility are the major reasons that drive women to undertake a business venture.it make easier the marketing of our product since the consumers and decision makers of purchase of our cleaning products are women.. our product plays an essential role in our daily lives.it cares our clothing . home and surroundings healthy and pleasant. the product has become the part of daily life in many homes,schools,offices,and hospitals,improving both hygiene and over all quality of their lives. soaps ,detergents,and other cleaning products are essential to personal and public health.we understood the responsibility and importance to be vigilant in the production of these products. we promise , our team cares the product all the way from the production through your shopping bag and they are keen to hear customer interests. of course, MRS.CLEAN has a long established track record of delivering safe products.