SME Kerala
About Us Kuruvilla and Sons has been involved in the manufacture of bamboo products since 1986. Over the years, we have acquired a reputation of reliability and quality. Bamboo. Bamboo, because of its fast growth and maturity, is an environment-friendly alternative to wood. Through continuous discovery of new possibilities with this fibre, we aim to make your quality of life and there by that of generations to come truly better with bamboo. This eco-friendly material is versatile, durable and incredibly strong and therefore ideally suited for our purpose. The bamboo is dried thoroughly before use to give the final product an improved finish and lustre. This also increases the life of the product. Weaves are further subjected to treatment by in house made organic product solvent based. Preservatives. Our two basic product categories are Bamboo Blinds and Hospitality Products. Hospitality products include skewers, stirrers , table mats and coasters. Please contact us directly for customized blinds and hospitality products. Email: Ph: 0484-409057, 8129499726